Sunday 1 March 2009

Final changes!!!!!!:)

On Thursdays morning I found out that our film was not finished, because Tony had sent the group an email to inform the group, the changes we needed to do to our film. We started to panic because none of my group members could edit the film on that day and the last day to edit was Friday and on Friday people had appointments and lessons that day. So we decided to come in at Friday lunch time to finish it off changing the titles and names, as well as putting our soundtrack on final pro cut.First the soundtrack did not fit in with the film when we placed in on final pro cut, so we had to edit the soundtrack again to make it fit. In addition we also added more titles to our film such as camera work, cinema photography and more. After making all the changes we finished our film and we were happy with it and ticked our name off the wall as finished group. :)

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