Sunday 15 March 2009

My evaluation draft

My thriller was about a woman wanting revenge but set out to hurt the nearest person to his potential victim. The beginning of the thriller that we had to film takes place from the main characters house as she leaves and as she walks through the park, where she meets her end.
My thriller challenges forms and conventions in the fact that stalkers are normally thought of as male and their victims are normally female, but we wanted to change this and make the stalker female to create a new sense of fear for the audience because society have a set idea of how stalkers work and just by making this little change the audience expects something new from the very start.
Some of the openings of thrillers gave the story away from the start and this is a common way of shooting the opening so the rest of the film can give the explanation of what happened. And some gave away very little, we watched many different examples of this is well known films and had the choice of what we wanted to take from them to make our opening.
One example that slightly influenced us was the shining. The camera slowly follows the car like a bad omen and the only thing that gives off fear in the character is the scary, dramatic music that creates suspense.

Looking back at the first short film i did, i can see that my knowledge of camera shots and techniques are of a wider range and i have managed to include them in my thriller. I’ve also been able to include these shots in a complex way by learning how to use 'match cut' and make it flow nicely so it looks professional and this made it easier to make my thriller more interesting to the audience.
I’ve also learnt that planning plays a key part in making the beginning of the thriller because in situations that we were in we could only shoot most of the film in one day and planning it made sure we didn’t waste any time because we could always refer to the storyboards we did.

My Thriller does represent woman and how powerful they can be. Because most thrillers portray a female being the victim we wanted to change this and be different. Even though we still had the victim as a female we also had the stalker as a female so women are shown in two ways strong and also weak.

I feel that our Thriller would be a small independent UK release just because we have changed many concepts of a stereotypical thriller, which might not appeal to a wider range of audience for example abroad. But i do think that this would not hold the film back and it would prove its self as a successful film in the UK due to the open mind of the British public.

The audience that i think would best suite the thriller would be 15+. By having this age restriction on the thriller it is suitable for teens and older members of the public and they will be able to understand the concept of the thriller where as younger members of the public might struggle slightly. Families with older children can see this film together which would benefit us more because of a larger amount of people going to view it. I also think more women would go and see the thriller due to the fact it challenges the typical conventions of other thrillers by including a female character more heavily than usual thrillers might. The typical person that i think fits my target audience is a female who wants to watch something different and has an open view when going to see the thriller, she most probably wont be mainstream but want to experience and different take on the way she watches films and this thriller i think, would do just that not just in the way woman are represented but also in the different way its edited and the way it was shot.

I would market my film by addressing my audience through having a star as the lead role but making sure i the thriller still had British actors being an important part in the film, this would then attract a wider audience as they would recognise the lead character and draw their fans in to watch the film.
The trailers for my film wouldn’t be to long because i would want it to reflect the film and the way its been shot, so i would give away very little and tell the basic story through fast clips. I would also make it clear that the lead role was played by a 'star' but not take away from what that person’s role in the film actually is.

In my thriller there are typical shots that show the genre of the film for example the stalker grabbing the victim, and i would show this in the trailer but only at the end to leave the audience with a strong idea of what the films about or what they 'think' the film is about.

I would advertise the thriller using a strong influence from the internet and make sure it was seen heavily through this because the audience i would be trying to reach use the internet a lot and i would be able to get the film recognised more by using this to the films advantage. I would also have some billboards around places like west end etc that way i can reach a large amount of young people.

I have learnt many new ways of using technologies in my work for example Blogging my progress as i went along was something very different, and before i started working on the thriller i had in fact never blogged before. It was a something new i experienced and it helped with planning my thriller and learning from what goes into making it.
Using the cameras to film the thriller was also very beneficial because i learnt how to get different camera shots using a tripod or hand held. In addition, i learnt along with the rest of my group so this gave us more of an option on what we could do and different shots available to us.

When it came to editing, all the programs were quite new to me for example finale cut pro and sound track pro. This helped our film develop the way we wanted others to view it, we used this new technology to add music to the film and match cut all different shots.
When we had finished the film some of my group stored it on there USB and added it to youtube this meant more people had could view the film by visiting other sites than and Vimeo, we were able to reach a wider audience through the internet and new technology.

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