Sunday 1 March 2009

Editing our thriller

We started editing straight away. we had to log and capture all the shots we had filmed and because we wanted to make sure we had a good shot of every part of the thriller we shot them 3 or 4 times, this make it take a long time to log and capture everything but in the end we we're left with some great footage to use.
We then watched them through all together and picked out the parts we new we wanted to use then started putting them all in order. This was not the hard part of the editing put what i found difficult was cutting and matching all the clips so it flowed nicely together.
This took a whole lesson to do but once it was done we had a strong foundation to base all the effects on because it already went well without them.
We stayed as close the plan as we could and made sure we included the shots we used from the angels that we're harder to shoot because we wanted our film to look professional and be different from the others.
We also made sure we saved all our work all the time to make sure nothing happened to it.
The first day we edited our film went well and we we're happy with what we had so far.

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