Wednesday 25 February 2009

Final film!

We have finally completed our film today, adding the soundtracks, and credits. It took a while to complete the film, when adding the soundtrack because we experimented with a lot of unusual and abnormal sounds, which at the end fitted with our film. We used effects like FX, DJ, percussion, piano and many more. Plus we decided not to use Columbia pictures because we couldn’t add their signature opening into our film because it was copy righted, which we are not allowed to use.

So we decided to use our logo as the production company which is a colorful star with our initials in each side of the star. Today we faced many difficulties, like at the last minute of editing we could not find our film, which we thought we lost, we started to panic but we found it at the end because we realized that we renamed the film to something else. Overall I think my group worked really hard to complete the film today and I am very happy with the work we have produced. :)

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