Tuesday 24 February 2009

Closed on Wednesdays

We had all finally decided on when we should start filming and where, we had everything sorted out and in order. We had planned to go to the library and film the parts that we needed for the begging of our film opening. We wanted to use the library ( south library a public library in essex road ) because we thought that the dark and old look of this library in particular would look the part in our film opening and also that it would fit the kind of theme and atmosphere that we was trying to create. But once we go there we found out that the library was CLOSED !

So we had to think of something else to do instead of what we was going to do. We hanged around for a bit trying to think about what we could do instead of what we had planned to do. We started to walk around the library after deciding that we should just do some filming out side the library while we was doing this we found a small park like path that we could use as a location for our outside scenes.
This small path/park that we had found looked appealing to us. So we decided to walk all the way down to the bottom of the path to see if there was more settings that we could use. We walked down to the bottom and found that there was a couple of flats that looked interesting. So I suggested that we had a look at them too see if the main doors would open for us to use them as a location that our main character comes out from, then later on to the path that we had just walked down on.
After we stood around for a bit, talking about how we should shoot our new and totally unplanned sequence of, our victim walking from her flat to wards the path and then through the path. Once we started to shoot our first shot I decided that, it would be best if we done at least 4 takes for each shot, this way when we come to editing we would have enough material to work with. while we was filming what we had quickly planned, we tried different camera angles and effects that we could create by playing about with the lens. We thought that by doing this we might come across more instresting ways to shoot our shots and make them look intresting as well. So you could say that we experimented a lot with our camera angles and shots.
Although our day dident go to as planned, we was still able to replan and shoot a whole proper sequence. This whole process has taught me that I can work under pressure, I can be resorcefull and good at solving problems. Also that im willing to expirement with the camera.

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