Tuesday 24 February 2009

Pitching our ideas

pitching our ideas, this was going to be a task for me because I'm not really good at explaining things. But when it got to our groups turn I had to do most of the talking, over all I think that our pitching session went well I got to tell our teachers my idea and explain what we was trying to aim for with different types of shots that we was going to use in our short film. I found that convincing the teachers about how my ideas would work and turn out was a bit hard, but as I carried on explain my idea properly they eventually sort of agreed with what I had in mind. They gave me a few suggestions to what I could do instead which was helpful.

 After we had finished pitching our idea the other groups where up, while they were pitching I was thinking on how our film could be better and alternative solutions to our problem areas that had just been spotted by the teachers. I also wanted to change our story a bit more to make it more interesting and make it look like there was a point to our film 

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