Wednesday 18 February 2009

First day of filming-28.1.09

Today was our first time to film; the weather was terrible, it was raining all day. As I got to college Dominique and Shanice had collected the camera and tripods for the day. So we made our way to Essex road to film in the library, the weather was of putting we wanted to head back to college but we decided not to.

When we arrived at Essex road, the library was shut and we didn’t know this, I was angry and disappointed that the library was shut and on top of that the weather was helping. But I put my feeling behind me because I wanted to get things done because we planned to film in previous lesson. So we decided to walk around and we found a park, and it lightened everyone’s face because the park had this atmospheric mood, from the trees, to the rocks and the gardening done to it, plus the weather had helped bring a spooky mood. So we walked through the park and found a long pathway which led to Kids Park and houses. For that reason we didn’t film to plan and used our initiative to film outside because believed we would have got something out of the location.

The first thing we filmed was of Dominique coming out of her house, we used several shots like long shot of her walking out, mid shot and many more. After this we came up with different shots of her walking out the house, from a back view of her walking to a shot of her through the fence. We also used panned while she was walking. During the filming we captured interesting shots through the park, using different angles, also using the things around us, like the rocks and the bushes.
Towards the end it got really tiring because we filmed for 3 hours nonstop and it was raining throughout the times we were filming. On top of that people kept delaying our filming because they wanted to know what we were filming for, also walking pass the camera while we was filming. Overall the whole day was fun and the end of it we looked a mess which was pretty funny.

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