Wednesday 18 February 2009

Pitching our ideas 21.01.09

In Andrew lesson we carried on planning our thriller openings. As a group we pitched more ideas, coming up with fresh storylines, however some of the ideas did not work because it was to complex and others which we could produce because of the location. For example an idea that we came up with was bed scene with two characters, we all agreed to do this but as a group we did not have access to a bed so we could not do it. We tried to think of public location where we can do the scenes like IKEA but it was a bad idea.

In the second half of the lesson Andrew told the class that we had to pitch our final idea in front of Marissa, Micky, tony and Andrew, who were going to judge and give each groups feedbacks on their idea. We had to present our storyline in front of the class and the judges, also presenting the location, characters, and the shots. After we presented our ideas the judges gave us feedbacks, good and bad feedbacks. For example all the judges liked our storyline; however they thought that we should film in the library instead of the two locations which walking scenes were outside and an indoor scene. They thought that we should find an old library to give an atmospheric mood to our story line.

After listening to all the feedbacks, we gave ourselves homework until the next lesson, and that is to research old library’s in the city.

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