Wednesday 18 February 2009

Ideas 19.1.09

In this lesson we watched past exam thrillers, done by AS students. We watched several clips which gave the class ideas on what they can do for their thriller opening. As we watched the opening of the thrillers we annotated the good and bad points we saw in the clips, also discussing it with the class.
After watching the thriller clips, Tony asked each group to brainstorm a story ling of an opening for a thriller. As well as brainstorming the mise -en -scene, costumes, location, characters and planning the days we wanted to film. As a group we found it difficult to think of ideas because everything we thought of has been produced by past students. So began to think of existing opening like a chase or a murder scene, and change it into our own ideas.
At the end of the day we came up with 3 good ideas which we could use for our opening, and one of them was based on a couple, where the girlfriend dreams of her boyfriend leaving her and as she tries to get him back, in her dream she doesn’t know in reality she is harming him and at the end we see her boyfriend dead on the bed. We thought this we would leave the thinking that she had killed him.

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