Monday 12 January 2009

Editing the second practice film

The second practice film went well today, we went to the computer room to separate the film clips then collected what clips were suitable for the film and edited it by getting rid of unwanted bits from the shots, adjusting one clip onto another, to make it flow in nicely by the use of effects and adding some major, cheering music to our film to make it more humorous for the audience to watch.

Between the first and second practice films, I’ve learnt how to use the camera and record in different camera angles plus placing it on the tripod. I’ve also learnt how to use input and output when editing clips as well as conforming clips in the order we would like it in and adding effects to it.

I think that we as a group have followed the forms and conventions of real movies because we used matching points mostly throughout our film, the scene was set in the college and the clothes worn by the characters were casual. Also, the props used were the chairs, music was being played at the background and their was a relationship between the two characters.

In my opinion, I am happy with the results we came up with. Based on watching our finished film, I believe that the representation of the film is about having fun and how to enjoy yourself when playing games like these besides other ways of communicating with people.

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