Sunday 11 January 2009

Wednesday’s Lesson - Matching Points.

On Wednesday’s lesson with Andrew, we had worked on a worksheet in groups of three’s, writing down ways to create shots without recording it. The storyline we were given was ‘A man who is on the computer whilst chain smoking, who then transfers his files from the computer to a CD and posts it in the letter box. Within our groups, we were figuring out ways of how we would shoot this.

Shortly after that, we watched a DVD made by the media teachers, which matched the description of what the character was doing. Our task was to figure out where the matching points were revealed, which is when you are shooting or recording the same shot but at different camera angles. As well as noticing that, we stated whether our ideas were similar to the ideas on the DVD shown, which some were.

After a while, we were told to produce our own shot (for our practice session) in the same groups as last time when performing our thriller. Our task was to perform our version of a character opening the door, sitting opposite another character, making a few dialogues with them.

As a group we tried to make it look as realistic as possible. For our film, the activity we performed for our dialogue was a thumb fighting game played by two competitive players.

In my opinion I think that the filming of the shots went very well.

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