Wednesday 14 January 2009


We we're given a brief to film a meeting point. A character meeting another, they walk through the doors and sit down with the person they meet.
We came up with the idea that we should make our film look as serious as possible when our character walks through the door carrying a bag with them, they sit down and look determined and angry, then they turn around and start to play thumb wars so the film becomes light hearted and not serious at all.
Because we had to use a door for the character to come through, we wanted to use a door that other people might not thing of using so we used big double doors that opened on its own to make it look more professional and serious. We used many camera techniques to make our film look good like panning, hand held etc we also stayed with the 180 degree rule all the time.
One thing i would change would be the fact that we wasted a lot of time and didn't get to finish filming so the audience wont know who won, but we could use that to out advantage to create suspense.

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