Friday 30 January 2009

Wednesday’s Lesson

On Wednesday’s lesson, The weather was dreadful. We were supposed to go to the library to start filming however, we realised after reaching there, that it was closed. How irritating. So whilst we were outside in the pouring rain, we decided to skip the library scene and shoot the killing scene were the victim is being followed by the killer (the son of the mother).

The shots we had taken went well, even though we had to keep shooting the same shots repetitively to get the filming more accurate as possible. The setting of this scene (outside) looked very disturbing as we walked through a park. The fact that it was raining, created more of a chilling effect, even I was scared of the area. What was even worse was that we had to step into so much mud in order to create a precise shot and generate suspense for the audiences. It had taken us two and a half hours to film, but it was worthwhile plus the shooting went well.

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