Wednesday 14 January 2009

Second practise film!

In the second practice film, we were given a task to film two people meeting. My group decided to film two girls meeting for a thumbs war match. I thought this practical went well and I am happy with the end result.

In this practical I learnt new things as an individual and as a group. The one thing we us a group learnt from this practical is timing, we learnt that it is important to time ourselves well, so we are not rushing when filming shots. When editing we realized we didn’t get enough shots which we thought we did, leaving us with minimum choice of shots when editing. I believed we followed the forms and convention of a real film because we used camera shots well, and music to create a theme for the audience to understand what was going on. We used several shots in our footage like long shots, close up, extreme close, panning and many more to convey an atmospheric mood of two characters. We also edited the footage we shot well, because we match cut shots which made our film flow.

In general my group and I were satisfied with the filming and editing because we worked as a group which made it easy to shoot scenes, also making it fun. Plus the class found our film interesting because of the theme we choose.

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