Saturday 24 January 2009

Final Idea ?

This lesson we decided to move on to actualy thinking of a final idea for our thriller, this wasent as easy as the last lesson were we had to do the random brian storm. This was because, this time we had to stick to one idea that had a proper ending and a proper start. I spent alot of time thinking about what kind of story would be good to use, at the same time i was looking at the different types of ideas that where on the brainstorm. After spending a conciderably long amount of time thinking about a idea i realised that the brainstorm that we had made wasent as usefull as i had hoped it would have been. All it looked like to me now was a load of words and locations that we could use but no definate or good ideas that we could develop on. Which was a bit dissapointing concidering that we had spent all lesson doing this brain storm and i had thought it was going to be usefull. some one my group members looked like they had given up thinking for a while untill i asked them what they had in mind or what they was thinking about our situation at the time.

Despite us not being able to think of an idea in the first half of the lesson. We was able to at least think of two basic ideas that we could use ... proper ideas that were like stories with characters in them. later on we figured out that the idea that we started to like and develop wasent any use because we dident have a proper location that we could use as a setting for the story. which was pretty annoying to find out just before the end of the lesson. So then we had to think of another idea ( third idea) to try and use for our thriller. This new idea wasent all that good but i figured that if we had got in intresting shots in and good framing in it would get a good over all mark. Also just incase we all decided to find another idea at home as a back up idea.

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