Monday 12 January 2009

Match cutting

Wednesday 7th January
At the start of today’s lesson we was given a quick tutorial on match cutting by Marisa this tutorial was useful. We looked at a short film created by some of the teachers from the college. This short film was about a person downloading some information on to his computer, then taking that information and looking at it then finally posting it into a post box. After we watched this example short film, we was asked by Marisa if we could see the match cuts or not and if we could tell her where they were. Then as a class we all talked about what was good with the short film and how it was showing us what was going on and not telling us as an audience about what was going on.
Then after break we got on to filming our short films, we was all given a sheet saying what kinds of shots we have to include in our short film. After having a quick glance at this sheet while waiting to get our camera, we went down stairs to get started with our filming. We spent a while waiting for our other group member but he didn’t come and we started to get a bit impatient about this. So I went upstairs to ask Andrew our media teacher where he had gone and then found out that he had left the college during brake saying he didn’t feel too well. So with this mystery solved we moved on to start filming, the idea of our short film was that two characters will meet each other, the start of the short film will look serious but then when the two characters meet they will have a thumb war. With the thumb war at the end of the short film will be kind of like a twist, because of how serious the start was and how silly the ending was. Over all we didn’t get much time to shoot our footage but we felt that we had enough to edit it all together to create a short film that made sense.

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