Monday 5 January 2009

Watching a documentary.

Today was our first lesson back from the Christmas holidays. Arriving into my lesson I noticed a woman sitting in front of the class, the woman was called Marry, Marry had told due to Tony not being in she would covering for him today.
As the class settled Marry explained to the class the plans for todays lesson and she saidthe first thing that we would be doing in this lesson with her today is to watcha documentary about film openings, and during this task we will be having a class discussion about the questions in the paper she gave out earlier. She then said after watching the documentary we would go to the computer room to blog about what we had done in the lesson today.

Starting off with a documentary called 'Watching' film openings. In this docemntary we were given different views on film openings by film critics and directors.
For example Thomas sutcliffe who is a film critic believed " films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment.While there are many types of seduction, the tempetation to go for instant arousal is almost irresistible."
So Thomas believed that the first scene in a film should grab the audience attention, which will give a big impact on the audience introductry motion. as it would grab the audiences attention in to the film. Directors such as jean jazques beineix would say their are many risk to an instant arousal because by giving a dramatic opening at the beginning, the standard of the film would already be set to a higher level which the film might not pull through, so he believed that an opening should gradually build the excitement in the film rather than having a big dramatic opening.

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