Wednesday 14 January 2009


Last lesson we saw our finished footage and was able to cut it in to use able clips and start editing, we sat down in our groups and watched it through a few times to make sure we could see what we could match cut then we started to use final cut pro for the proper editing.
We used the camera outside and inside but with match cut pro we used them both together which looked more dramatic and created tension because it looked like the character was walking towards something dangerous. We used the handheld technique to capture the two meeting and panning to show them meeting too.
We didn't want to use the shots of just the characters eyes at first because we didn't think it look serious enough but when we put the wound track to the film and made it a sort of comedy and it made the film really funny.
We only used one effect which was cross dissolve, we didn't want to make it look to cheesy with lots of effects so we kept them minimal.
When it came to us putting music to it we wanted the music to make the story line of our film clear so we put serious music over the top of the the beginning part of the film then when the people turned around we put light hearted music over it to show we went being to serious,
Because we ran out of time to carry on filming we left the film on a cliffhanger so the audience wouldn't know who won and we put a funny scream over the end for a final light hearted take on the film.

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