Tuesday 9 December 2008

Editing Day!!!

On Monday's lesson we had to go to the computer room to re-watch our film that we shot from the last lesson, then we had to separate the film into clips and rename them, describing what each character was doing, to remind us what clips were what, so that we could put them back in the order we had it in whilst recording it.

After that we collected all the clips that we wanted, and edited it. This included cutting out unwanted bits from the shots using input and output (for example when the director said ‘action’) and fitting it in to another shot to make it flow nicely (some included added effects ). We basically had done what we did from the last lesson when we were editing the shots from the sample movie, and brought some of our own skills to our film. Because our group were so ahead from other groups and there was a bit more time left, we decided to add some sound effects to our film to create a dramatic and chilling effect to our thriller, to leave our audience wondering what will happen next.

In my opinion, I am really happy with the results. At first, I thought that our group were going to be lost on what storyline to create, but then not only whilst we were planning, but whilst we were videoing too, more and more great ideas were coming to mind which we expressed throughout the video.

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