Tuesday 9 December 2008

Filming the game thriller!!

Wednesday 3rd of December, arriving late to Andrew’s lesson I noticed none of my group members were in except Vicky, who was sitting with another group.
So I decided to sit down and listen to Micky who was the technicians. Micky went through the safety procedures; we needed to know in order to use the cameras.
Micky demonstrated several things like how to use the tri pod and the camera safely. For example he showed the class how to connect the camera and tri pod together, so the camera wouldn’t fall. Instructing the class that the camera should be at an angle where the front of the camera is facing downwards, so the bottom bit would clip to the tripod when connecting. Also showed us the zoom and focus button in the camera.After demonstrating what he had taught he gave the class time to practice what we had learnt.

Andrew then told me to join Gennette's group for this activity, because my group wasn’t there. I felt disappointed because the planning me and my group made in Tony's lesson went to waste. However I felt happy that I got the chance to work with another group.
Gennette's group told me about their plans for this activity so I listened. Getting on with the work my group decided to take different camera shot of different locations, in the college like the hallway. In the hall way my group took a long shot of a person holding a brief case, using the zoom and focus button. We then decided to relocate ourselves in an office where there were a round table and chairs, where we could take shots of the two guys in our group playing cards. In these shots we used several types of shots like a close up, over the shoulder shot, low angle shots. We took close of shot of one of the guys faces, to show intensity. Also using a panning shot, when the mystery person with the brief case entered the room.
After taking several shots we decided to go to another location, so we took more shots outside a class room door. We hand held the camera when of the characters was running to show movement and the characters point of view. My group then decided we had enough shots for editing next lesson, so we went back upstairs to inform Andrew we had finished.
I really enjoyed this activity because the Andrew allowed us to be creative. Also working in a group was really fun.

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