Thursday 4 December 2008

Planning for our first thriller film

First thing that we got to do in the morning was to; learn how the pro cut program on the Macs worked. We were given a practice to do, which involved us using a short sequence clip from a film. The short sequence was about a boy who looked like he was waiting for someone at a café but then when he tried to leave him nearly bumps into a scary looking homeless man who has come into the café looking for food. The little boy is holding a lunch box with him, and the homeless man recognizes this and decides to get the little boy to give it to him. There is not much dialogue in this sequence but it was fairly easy for me to work with. Plus I had worked with this same clip in film studies and I had a general idea of how the clips should go together. After we had put the clips together, we were then told about the different types of effects that we could put into the film sequence. There were a lot of effects, which varied from a number of different dissolves and fades (in and out).
After we had general idea of how to use pro cut (program), we had time to mess around with the program and experiment with everything that was on there. to see what would be good to use and what would look a bit too obvious to use for our actual short film that we was going to be shooting next lesson. When this tutorial was over we went back to our class room to find out what groups we had been put into. I was grouped with Shaince and Dominique.
Now that we had been put into our groups; we was given a basic narrative to follow which was that it had to be a thriller but it had to include two characters, a table, two chairs and a pack of playing cards. At first I wasn’t to happy with what we was given to work with but I started to let my imagination flow. Eventually after a short discussion with our group we came up with the idea, of having a pack of cards but they would be in the form of tarot cards instead of playing cards. We figured that this would still be following the “rules” because it was still cards but a different type of cards. The story that we came up with was that there would be a young lady (played by shaince) who would come to a fortune teller (played by Dominique) to get her fortune told. But to make it seem more thrilling, we decided that we didn’t need to have any sort of dialogue involved in our short film. This was because we figured that if this was done, there would be more for the audience to think about. Also because there would be more room for the audiences imagination to decide on what was actually going on.

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