Tuesday 9 December 2008


Monday’s lesson with Tony,started off by him announcing that one of our class members had dropped out, so he had changed the groups, well my group. Unfortunately Dionne who was in my group dropped out of the course, so Tony decided to put Rashpal and Vicky who was originally in my group, with Bein’s group to form a 5. I was then put into groups with Akko, Shanice , Peter and Dominque. After hearing the changes I became frustrated because I have changed groups 3 times, also tony did not allow me to work with the previous group I worked with in Andrews lesson.

Tony then told the class to relocate themselves in to the computer room where we would be editing the clips we took in Andrews’s lesson. Feeling down and no bothered to work, I sat in the corner and watched my new group edit the clips they took when filming last lesson. I decided not to take part in the activity because I felt that it weren’t right for me to get involved in the editing process because I was not there from the beginning. So sitting down uninterested in the activity Tony took me out to speak to me to explain the situation, when this was happening I felt so frustrated that I just wanted to go home. I decided to go back in the class and watch my group do the work, tony then suggested I should have a go in editing the clips, I decided to edit one bit of it and sat back down. Watching Aiko edit the clips made the clips come alive; she added effects like dissolve, which made the clips flow.
Coming to the end of the lesson my group had finished the editing and had time to add sounds and music to the background. After that we watched our clips several times to see if we could change anything,as a group we decided that it was good so no further changes has to be made.

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