Wednesday 3 December 2008

Filming our thriller.

In Tony's lesson we learnt how to use the apple computers for when we have our finished shots we want to use for our thriller.
Today we finally filmed our thriller but first we had to learn how to use the equipment etc. After we all had a plan of what shots we wanted to use and what our thriller was roughly about we could go away with out groups that tony put us in.
Our thriller was based around the brief of two characters playing cards but insted of doing the obvious we used tarrot cards in the thriller, this was different and easier to base a story around that was scary. The basic story was that my character was the tarrot reader and i had to show a young woman (Shanice) her unfaithfull future, she doesnt care to much about the warnings i giver her and walks away with no worries in her mind that the reading was all rubbish. Until a man pushes her down the stairs and she comes to a painful end.
The whole story has no dialouge in it, this is because we wanted our audience to feel the tension and suspence and have to figure out the plot on their own. That way we give no secrets away to early and the audience HAVE to figure it out themselves.

We used many different shots to give out thriller variety, because we had to dialouge in our film we needed to make sure everything else was intresting and done as Professionally as we could. We used tracking in some scene's and different camera angles, we even had a very close point of view shot to emphasise the 'Victims' reactions to help the audience understand what was goin on.
I think todays shooting went very well and i cant wait to start editing our footage.

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