Wednesday 3 December 2008

Video Time!!!!

Well today was our recording day to make our own 'Thriller' video about playing poker, seeing the future about the bad things that will happen to the player,oooo creepy. Before we had done that, we were taught on how to control and work the camera so that we dont struggle when we are actually trying to produce our piece. I now know how to control the camera...YAAYY!!
After that, we had to plan on how to produce a scene to our film including what camera shots to take e.t.c.

It was time for recording, and I was the main character in the film OH MY GOLLY GOSH.
At first I was like AHHH (because I dont think that I look very nice on camera) but then I got use to it plus, I wanted to be the main character anyway, because I like acting and I was like the only one in the group who has enthusiam when it comes to making REALLY dramatic scenes and I was pleased with my results shockingly. I thought I was going to flop all the performances and that it was going to look horrible but it didn't. WHOOHOOO!! and looking back at it, it actually looks good and quite funny too.

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