Tuesday 9 December 2008

Editing our film.

In our last lesson we got to see our film that we shot the lesson before, we had to separate the whole film in the clips we wanted and name them to make sure we knew what clips were what and it helped us know the order in which we wanted them in because we shot them in the right order, we then got to find the clips we wanted to use and the clips we wanted to lose.
After doing this we got to edit the clips, making sure we didn't have the directors voice at the beginning and making sure the clips linked together in a professional way because we shot the same scene from many different angles and because we used different techniques like tracking and we wanted to include them in a professional way.
We used the skills we had learnt from Andrews lesson like being able to cut in and out of the scene when we wanted to and lay them all in place so the film made scene We then had just enough time to use some transitions like cross disolve etc to make the clips link in with each other better.
Because our group were so ahead of the other groups we we're able to change the sound levels on the film and add different audio sounds to create dramatic tension to our thriller.

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