Monday 8 December 2008

Introduction to the new course

Monday 1st of December, tony started his lesson by introducing the new course which is the opening of a thriller. He then told us to go to the computer room where we learnt several things in Photoshop with Malissa.
First we were taught how to connect the hard drive into the computer, by plugging in two plugs. Malissa, who was instructing us, stated that we should remember our hard drive number at all times. After we connected our hard drives we was then instructed to open a file called pro cuts, this is a program, where me and my group would be using all through this course.
Once everyone had learnt how to open this program, Malissa then taught us the ways in which we would edit a clip, by using the I and O button. I and O button was used for selecting a part of a clip we wanted, so we would press the I button on the keyboard, for the beginning of the clip we wanted and O for the end. Also teaching us how to drag our clips, into the story line at the bottom of the screen.
After teaching us how to edit a clip, Melissa and tony gave us time to test what we have learnt by allowing us to edit a clips of a boy in a cafe. During this time I picked clips which I edited by using the I and o bottom and then dragging it in the story line were it formed a short clip. I found this activity difficult because when playing my clip back it did not make sense because the scenes weren't flowing, this is when Malissa taught us how to use the different types of effects we could use, in between our scenes to make it flow. She demonstrated different effects like dissolve. After teaching us how to edit clips, they gave us more time to play around with the clips using the different effects and rearranging the clips so it flowed.
The last thing they showed us was how to unplug the hard drive, first instructing us stop the pro cut programme then to drag the icon on the screen into the eject bottom at the bottom of the screen. Then unplugging the hard drive.
Tony then instructed the class to go back in the media class where we was in early, so he could tell us our new groups for this course. My new group members were Dione, Rashpal and Vicky. However Dione was not in. tony then gave us our first task for this course, which was to plan an opening thriller game of cards. My group came up with ideas like the different characters we should play also the settings.

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