Monday 8 December 2008

Putting the film together

The lesson started off with a short introduction and announcement that our groups had changed from the last time we had worked as a group. I wasn’t exactly happy with this change but neither were my other class mates. But we eventually accepted it and got on to listening to what our teacher tony had to tell us about what we was going to be doing today. After this we moved striate onto the editing suite and got started with downloading our footage onto the Macs using a program called pro cut. I had already used this program in film. So again I had no problem of using this program so I volunteered to do all of the downloading and editing for the group and in return the group will give me there suggestions and opinions about how I was editing things.
Downloading the footage didn’t take me long to do, I had to capture all the footage that I had wanted to use to edit. I got this done quickly. To capture I had to use the mouse to click the capture now button in the pro cut program, and then with the escape button stop capturing. I done this process for each part of each sequence that we had shot.
Moving onto the editing: The editing part, I think was the best part; this was because I got to see all of the shots that we had shot and then gradually edit them together, which made our story start to take shape in visual form. Which was exciting for me to be able to do, I tried to make the film more interesting by not having one scene being dragged on. So instead I combined two sequences that we had shot together. This would also create some tension because the frame would be switching to one sequence to another but it will still make scene because of what is going on in the main sequence. The sequence where the card where getting flipped over one by one and the sequence where one of the characters was getting pushed down the stairs, I choose to put them into a slow motion so that it emphases the movement in each shot . It also gave a good effect, I decided that some effects where needed in the film to make it run smoother, so it would make more sense.
Once I had edited all of the sequences together, I then went onto a sound editing program to add some music to the film. By the time I had got to putting in some sound for the first 4 to 5 sequences the lesson was about to finish so I shorted the music up a bit so that it was less noticeable that there was no music in the rest of the film. I think that my group had given a lot of point about how and why the editing that I was doing could improve. And that the finished film was very good and I am happy with the end result.

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