Wednesday 10 December 2008

Thriller Day!!!

Today was such a great lesson. We went to the computer room and watched the rest of the groups video which they produced, as a class. After that we had to evaluate everyone’s video, mentioning what we liked/disliked about it and what they could do to improve it to boost up their marks. I thought that everyone's films were really good, I really enjoyed watching it. It was very amusing too, I also liked the fact that everyone had came up with these different ideas which allowed us to see it from another person’s point of view. In my opinion some of the groups video’s could have been better if they added more effects to it and got rid of when the director mentions ‘action’ or ‘cut’.

Straight after that, we had to go back to our class and do a brainstorm on the title of today’s lesson, ‘What is a Thriller?’ and asked each and every one of us, what we thought the definition of a thriller was and what relates to thriller, as well as examples of this genre. Shortly afterwards, we were told that we were going to watch ‘The Shining’, a thriller movie starring Jack Nicholson. I think three people in the class were scared of the movie hahaha that was so funny. While the film was going, we were given a worksheet in which we had to give three examples on when we as an audience, feel suspense about the film and what part of the film that makes us suspense.

Throughout watching the film, I only thought that one clip was scary which I had actually screamed when watching, but I new it was going to happen anyway, I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. It was the part where Jack Nicholson killed the guy who had showed the family around the kitchen (near the beginning). In my opinion, I actually liked watching this film with the class, as there were so many funny parts to it which we enjoyed. On the other hand, I think if I was watching it by myself I wouldn’t like it as much, so I would recommend it for a group of people to watch, rather than just one person.

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